Ortodontian jaoston seminaari – Skeletal Anchorage: the right choice for efficient and predictable orthodontics! | Theory and Hands on | Helsinki (81725)
14.2.2025, klo 8.30 - 17.00Kesto
Kokoustila HUONE KaivopihaHinta
420 €,- 50% Erikoistuvat hammaslääkärit
ei opiskelijoiden maksuttomia paikkoja
Ilmoittaudu viimeistään
Jaoston tilaisuusToteutusmuoto
Lähikoulutus / tilaisuus (ei striimausta)Erikoisala
Suomen Hammaslääkäriseura Apollonia ryKohderyhmä
Erikoistuvat hammaslääkärit, Erikoistuvien hammaslääkärien ohjaajat, Oikomishoidon erikoishammaslääkäritTavoite
Aim of the course:- Overview on biomechanics on TAD: possible advantages and limits.
- To learn advantages and disadvantages of biomechanical systems in different clinical situations.
8:30-9:00 registration and breakfast
9:00-11:30 lecture/hands on (2,5h)
11:30-12:30 lunch
12:30-14:30 lecture/hands on (2 h)
14:30-15:00 coffee break
15:00-17 lecture/hands on (2h)
Course Introduction:
The introduction of the miniscrews and the temporary skeletal anchorage
systems (TADs) has determined a real revolution in orthodontics, going to modify
and simplify the setting and management of the anchor, one of the key points of
orthodontic treatment. Like other innovative procedures, the application of TADs
can be initially rejected by the clinician, who may consider it complex and
unnecessary. The course is intended to illustrate the advantages and
disadvantages of TADs, their features and benefits, simple clinical procedures, as
well as the possible risks and complications. Inter-radicular approaches will be
deeply analysed, evaluating respective advantages and disadvantages. Our goal
will be to increase the knowledge and confidence of the clinical application of
TADs, through the analysis of different clinical situations, as well as by applying
TADs on resin models. Indeed, the PRACTICAL part of the course offers the
possibility of simulating various procedures for the application and management
of devices with skeletal anchorage.
Weingart plier
Mathieu ligating plier
Bird beak plier
Ligature Orthodontic cutter
Distal cutter for archwires
DDS, MSc Orthod, Ph.D Giorgio Iodice
Italian Board of Orthodontics | European Board of Orthodontics
Clinical Instructor and Teaching Fellow | Department of Orthodontics
University of Naples "Federico II" | Via Pansini, 5 | 80131 Naples (Italy)
Honorary Senior Lecturer | University of Otago, Dunedin (New Zealand)